Friday, March 7, 2008

Cold sore symptoms

For most people a tingling sensation is the first symptom of a new cold sore attack, signifying that the immune system can no longer overcome the virus. HSV-1, awoken from its dormant state in the nerve cells, moves to the surface of the skin, replicating as it does so. There it wreaks its damage by destroying skin cells, thereby causing small blisters that merge to create a larger one.

Once the blister bursts, weeping the contagious fluid, an open sore is left; this is both painful to experience and unpleasant to look at and is the biggest problem for many sufferers, who actively avoid social interaction while having an attack. However, after a few days, the sore heals and no scar is left. While it is an unpleasant condition it is not serious, but by starting treatment as soon as cold sore symptoms are noticed the overall healing time can be reduced.

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